Friday 9 December 2011

First Draft Of Love Soap Magazine

Sammi, Lucy, Ellie and I have worked on this magazine front cover as a group: Lucy worked editing the pictures in Photoshop, Ellie focused on background and colours, Sammi worked on the main layout and editing and worked on text and branding. We chose to base our magazine on TV Quick magazine, however due to the company closure there are no recent magazine front covers.
Our audience is 15-25 year old females; this is because our soap opera features mostly teenagers and their lives. Also the magazine content is aimed at teenagers, spoofs such as “Reem” is advertised which interest boys may create a sub audience. We are also aware that older women like to watch soaps also, so the title may interest them “Vows and Rows”. We chose the “Vows and Rows” as our main feature as it’s from our soap opera, also its one of the main stories featuring in the trailers.
We preferred to make a "trashy" less formal magazine because it fitted better with our soap and audience; the colours are bright and orientated to our audience, for example pink and purple masthead fits perfectly to girls and mainly teens, this will help it to catch the potential readers' eyes when browsing a magazine stand or in passing while shopping. We chose soft feminine colours such as: pink, purple, white and blue because these are the main colours associated with women, research showed us that soap operas are aimed at middle/ working class women who want to forget about their lives through watching others'. Also they are on when the “little ones” have gone to bed.
The content of the magazine is mostly aimed at teenage/ young adult issues. We have used same font the on all of the front cover of our magazine however I think we could have used to create a variation and to make it more appealing, the font was Berlin Sans FB. We one of the reasons chose to use that same font were to create brand identity, so the readers will recognise and associate it with our magazine. We choose that particular font because it was rounded which gives it a young feel, whereas using Times New Roman is more formal and older.

Audience Feedback

It’s v good but needs a couple of changes.
Make barcode smaller and needs to be in bottom right corner, it’s never in the centre of the page. That’s prime space for text.

Change the Berlin font, it doesn’t look like anything used in existing texts. You need something simpler, but also sans serif. Maybe use the same font you used for “vows and rows” but play around with size, boldness, colour?

And needs one really bright accent colour to make unique selling points stand out

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